


A pediatric nurse practitioner (PNP) is a specialized advanced practice nurse who cares for newborns, 婴儿, 蹒跚学步的, 青少年, 还有年轻人.

pnp提供全面的护理, including well-child 和 physical exams; 诊断疾病 和 form treatment plans; 和 offer health education for patients 和 their families. They work closely with physicians 和 medical teams in hospitals, clinics, 和 schools. 在某些情况下,PNP可能是个人或家庭的主要照护来源.



儿科护士从业人员执行各种职责,包括执行检查, 诊断疾病, 处方药物, 制定治疗计划. 因为他们的病人年龄从婴儿到年轻人不等, pnp有这些技能 to work with both the patient 和 their family to provide the right resources 和 care, 包括教育和情感支持.

Many patients see the same PNP for a long time—months or even years—so PNPs must also be attentive 和 proactive to address any potential health issues as their patients mature.


  • 评估和评估成长模式
  • 筛查和管理儿童精神疾病
  • Educate patients 和 families about specific conditions related to children’s development
  • Evaluate 发展 milestones 和 educate parents about normal growth 和 development
  • 安排和解释实验室诊断测试
  • 照顾和治疗急性病(如咳嗽/流感)
  • 照顾和治疗慢性疾病(如哮喘或糖尿病)
  • 开药并安排免疫接种
  • Perform physical examinations, including well-child exams, school, 和 sports physicals
  • 进行预防保健和发育检查
  • 充当病人、家属和医生之间的联络人
  • 将病人及其家属转介给专科医生, 社区资源和沟通后续步骤
  • 记录和报告问题,如虐待、忽视或发育迟缓
  • 为青少年提供避孕咨询
  • 为患者及其亲人提供情感支持和建议


儿科护士可以获得各种各样的证书. 下面列出了一些使用缩写的可能性, title, 以及总体职位描述.

  • CPN -注册儿科护士. CPN指定显示注册护士(RN)的专业知识, 具有儿科护理方面的专业知识和灵活性.
  • PNP -儿科执业护士. 国家警察机构为从婴儿期到成年早期的儿童提供医疗服务. 他们专注于健康和预防医学, as well as diagnose 和 treat illnesses 和 educate the patient 和 family on illness 和 treatment options. 在很多州, pnp可以在没有医生监督的情况下工作, so they can run their own practice 和 serve their patients as the primary care provider.
  • PCS -儿科认证专家. PCS或儿科专家为儿童提供物理治疗. PCS专注于治疗创伤, 发展, 以及与儿童相关的系统性疾病. 他们提供评估, 康复护理(帮助儿童学习或提高日常生活技能), such as walking or speaking) 和 rehabilitative care (helping a child recover after injury or illness).
  • CPNP-PC -注册儿科护士执业-初级保健. CPNP-PC designation is granted to nurses who have demonstrated expertise 和 specialized knowledge in pediatric primary care, 包括治疗慢性疾病.
  • CPNP-AC -注册儿科护士执业-急症护理儿科护士从业人员也可以获得CPNP-AC称号. These PNPs focus on helping children who have illnesses that develop quickly 和 only last a short time—typically a few days or weeks.
  • CHPPN -认证临终关怀和姑息儿科护士. The CHPPN designation is for nurses working with pediatric hospice 和 palliative care patients.
  • PMHS -儿科初级保健心理健康专家. 这一称号显示了APRNs在早期识别方面的知识和专业知识, 干预, 和 collaboration of care for children 和 青少年 with mental 和 behavioral health concerns.

Eligibility requirements vary by certification 和 include some combination of minimum education 和 experience. 组织如 儿科护理学会 或者是 美国执业护士协会 为准备这些考试提供资源和支持.

主要对. 急症儿科执业护士

The two main focuses for pediatric nurse practitioners are primary care 和 acute care. Both provide care for pediatric patients from infant to young adult, but there are key differences:

  • 初级护理 pediatric nurse practitioners (PNP-PC) are trained to support children’s health through well-child visits, preventive care 和 man年龄ment of common pediatric illnesses 和 common chronic conditions, 比如哮喘或糖尿病. 他们与病人及其家属合作,强调促进健康, 疾病预防和治疗轻微急性和慢性健康问题. PNP-PCs may work in a hospital, urgent or walk-in care clinic, or school-based health center.
  • 急症护理 pediatric nurse practitioners (CPNP-AC) provide specialized care to patients with complex, 严重和慢性疾病或伤害. 他们必须了解这些疾病是如何, 伤害和疾病影响儿童及其发展. CPNP-ACs通常在急诊科工作, 重症监护, 或者创伤病房, 作为重症监护转运小组的一员.

现在通过 6月30日

PNP型和. 儿科相关工作

Pediatric nurse practitioners share some commonalities with other healthcare professions. The groups work together to ensure the best care f或者是ir patients; however, 这两个角色之间有一些关键的区别.

PNP型和. 儿科护士

Both PNPs 和 pediatric registered nurses provide medical care for children from birth through their late teens, 有时甚至到21岁. pnp和儿科注册护士都经过专门培训,为年轻患者提供护理, 同时与家人密切沟通护理计划, 解决他们的担忧, 并教育他们治疗方案.

执业护士和注册护士 有不同的教育要求吗. 儿科注册护士必须拥有本科学位, 而pnp除了拥有注册护士的称号外,还必须拥有硕士学位.

另外, pnp可能是个人或家庭的主要照护来源, 而护士的护理选择更有限. (例如, PNPs can 处方药物 to patients without oversight from a doctor in many states.)

PNP型和. 家庭执业护士(FNP)

FNPs 和 PNPs see patients 和 develop various strategies to treat acute illnesses 和 man年龄 chronic diseases. 然而,主要的 家庭执业护士与家庭执业护士的差异 PNPs是照顾从出生到成年早期的病人吗, 而fnp则为患者提供终身护理.

而pnp和fnp都接受过照顾年轻患者的培训, pnp通常对儿科学有更深入的了解. 相比之下,FNP具有治疗年轻和老年患者的知识. 例如, an FNP may provide a well-child exam 和 then develop a treatment plan for an elderly person with a heart condition.

PNP型和. 儿科医生

pnp和儿科医生都可以诊断和治疗各种疾病. They can perform medical exams, order 和 interpret laboratory tests, 制定治疗计划.

然而, a 儿科医生 is a medical doctor who is authorized to diagnose 和 treat illnesses in children. 作为一名医生,他们可以履行比国家警察更高级的职责,例如:

  • 在所有获得许可的州开具药物和疫苗
  • 执行手术
  • 研究新的医疗方法

PNP型和. 儿科医师助理(PA)

PNPs 和 pediatric PAs are trained to treat young patients from infancy to adolescence. pnp和儿科医师助理都可以检查患者, 订购诊断测试, 诊断疾病, 处方药物, 提供治疗.

Two key differences between PNPs 和 pediatric physician assistants are the training approach 和 the amount of schooling.

pnp接受培训,使用更全面的护理方法来护理病人. 这意味着他们专注于特定的人群, 比如孩子, 而不是专注于一种特定类型的药物.

医师助理使用医学模型进行培训, meaning they specialize in a specific field of medicine 和 provide care through disease man年龄ment 和 prevention.

pnp必须持有注册护士证书和硕士学位, 而医师助理必须完成认证学校的PA课程, 这通常需要两年的时间. 在这之后, students must pass the Physician Assistant National Certifying Exam (PANCE) to become certified.


你有兴趣改变孩子们的生活吗 成为儿科执业护士? 赫京大学提供MSN课程,帮助你快速入门.

作为一名儿科护士, you can have a rewarding career helping children 和 their families when they need it most.



*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, 职业就业和工资统计2023 /职业展望手册2022. 劳工统计局的估计不代表入门级工资和/或薪水. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.




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